If you are in need of oral surgery in Wilmington, North Carolina, come visit our practice. Our oral surgeon can provide an examination and determine a treatment plan that fits your needs. Take a look below and find out more about the surgeries, procedures and treatments offered by Dr. Brady J. Semmel.
Oral surgery can help patients improve their smile and their health. Each of our treatments are provided either at Semmel Oral and Facial Surgery or completed by our oral surgeon in a supervised, out-of-office facility. If you are nervous about an upcoming procedure, trust our practice to get you great care. Our office provides comfortable, modern amenities for our patients. We are also happy to go over your options for anesthetic and sedation. Our oral surgeon and team are trained to safely and effectively complete all our surgical treatments, no matter the procedure. Whether you are coming in for an extraction, a dental implant or bone grafting, you can count on our dependable team to provide you with excellent care and results.
We invite patients to learn as much as they can before their appointment. If you have any questions before or after your procedure, call 910-509-1422. Our oral surgeon and office team can help guide patients through surgery preparation and recovery.